Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Christopher Wheeldon's 2011 ballet adaptation of the classic tale with an original score by Joby, will have its first performance by a house other than its two originating companies — The Royal Ballet and National Ballet of Canada — when it premieres with the Royal Swedish Ballet on 6 May 2016, for 12 performances throughout the month. The company is launching the production in partnership with the Royal Danish Ballet. For performance dates and more information, visit the Royal Swedish Opera website.
The Winter's Tale returns to The Royal Ballet
The Winter's Tale, Christopher Wheeldon's 2014 full-length adaptation of Shakespeare's play with an original score by Joby, will return to The Royal Ballet from 12 April 2016. This revival by the originating company follows the work's highly successful North American premiere with co-commissioners the National Ballet of Canada in November 2015.
Joby's score includes an onstage band composed of instruments from a variety of global folk traditions, creating a sound that is both new and timeless. First cast features Lauren Cuthbertson as Hermione, Ed Watson as Leontes, Federico Bonelli as Polixenes, Zenaida Yanowsky as Paulina, Sarah Lamb as Perdita and Steven McRae as Florizel. For more production information, to view performance dates and purchase tickets, visit the Royal Opera House website.
Path of Miracles in Ireland
Joby's 2005 a cappella work Path of Miracles, describing the latter stages of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, will have two performances in Ireland this month. Máire Keary-Scanlon will lead choral group Caminantes in performances on Easter Monday at St Mary's Cathedral, Limerick, and on 18 April at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. Both performances begin at 8pm and the piece lasts one hour.
More information can be found on Caminantes' Facebook page.
Everest premieres in Dallas and Chamber returns to The Hague
This week sees the premiere of Joby's first opera by the Dallas Opera, as well as the return to The Hague of Chamber, his 2012 collaboration with choreographer Medhi Walerski.
Everest, a one-act work, relates events surrounding the tragic deaths of several climbers on the mountain in 1996 and stars Kevin Burdette, Sasha Cooke, Andrew Bidlack and Craig Verm. Joby worked in close collaboration with librettist Gene Scheer and conductor Nicole Paiement; the production is directed by Leonard Foglia with set design by Robert Brill, costumes by David C. Woolard, lighting by Christopher Akerlind and projections by Elaine J. McCarthy. Following the premiere at the Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House on 30 January will be a further four performances on 2, 4 and 7 February.
Chamber, commissioned by Nederlands Dans Theater and the Norwegian National Ballet, returns to The Hague for four performances for the first time since its 2012 premiere. The work is choreographed to Joby's Chamber Symphony and was commissioned as part of worldwide celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. It has been toured by NDT and will here be presented in a programme alongside works by Marco Goecke and Sol Léon and Paul Lightfoot. There are four performances from 28-31 January.